About Us

Trickshot Pins was founded in 2021 by two friends trying to make the pins they wanted to see in the world!
Alania is a full-time Mom. Obsessed with Star Wars- specifically Stormtroopers. She has been cosplaying for almost fifteen years. Collecting pins is a recent addition to her obsession, but her favorite part of pin collecting is getting to trade with others!
Trixie is currently a part-time Freelance Costume Designer, Maker, and Artist! She has been cosplaying for over a decade and only just made the switch to professional in 2019. Marvel and Star Wars called her into the nerd world at a young age and the rest was history. Pin-making and collecting she blames on Lani though, she introduced her! Her favorite part of pin-making/collecting is getting to come up with and make designs around characters that make others just as happy as they make her!